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St.George (10273--) (0,00", ?)
cm-inch 7 - 2,76
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George (23.4.) George is one of the 14 auxiliatory saints. He was a soldier of the roman army at the time of the Emperor Dioclezian. It is believed he was beheaded around the year 304 in Nicomedia or Cappadocia. He is one of the most venerated martyrs of the western church. Ever since ancient times many legends have grown up around this figure. He is the patron saint of Limburg, of knightly Orders, of soldiers, knights, marksman’s associations, miners, rnerchants, barrel and saddle makers, black-smiths, explorers, artists, excursionists and peasants; he is the protector of hospitals, poorhouses, animals; he is invoked against bad weather, the dangers of war and of all types of competitions; he protects against fevers and temptations.
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