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Mother with child (liberty stile)

Mother with child (liberty stile) (10330) (0,00", ?)
cm-inch 20 - 7,87 30 - 11,81 36 - 14,17 60 - 23,62
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This statue depicts the tenderness of the mother in the delicate action of holding the tiny infant in her arms with its head resting on her breast in the abandon of carefree sleep.  The woman is extremely beautiful and proud and she wears a garment which makes the tapered lines softer, lending them lightness and removing solidity; her dress is smooth, descending over her slim shoulders onto her breasts; it then unfolds into a rich drape at her feet and resembles the gentle waves of her hair framing her tender and dreamy face, revealing a light and twisting Jugendstil decorative effect.  It is sculpted from chestnut wood and the warm tones of the enclaves and projections create volume without  requiring the help of added paints: only the golden glints of a few ornaments hint at the discreet charms and vanity of the woman.

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